Charlotte made a sun using yellow paint and construction paper! We used the same technique as with the moon (cutting out a circle for Charlotte to paint, allowing her to form a circle! The construction paper was used for the rays. I helped her cut and glue those.
We also did a coloring project where Charlotte colored over a sillouete of a dolphin using crayons. It was really cute! (picture to come soon)
Charlottehad fun digging for letters in a tub of sand! I have these small foam puzzle pieces, and I burried the letters in the sand. Then, we went outside, and Charlotte used a spoon (and then decided her hands were way more fun!) to find the letters! She wasn't able to put them where they belong, but it was still a fun activity and we will definitely do this one again.
and then we just started playing in the sand- hehe!
We also did a fine motor activity using the same tub and spoon, and poms! The idea is to use the spoon to transfer the poms from the tub to the other containers. She loves this activity and has wanted to play it everyday since we tried it!
And can you believe it - Charlotte is very close to knowing all her letter names! She can sing the alphabet, and she can look at letter flash cards out of order and tell me the name of each one. Now, if we can only get her to transfer that letter recognition to other fonts/places, then she will have that down! So, I started working on her letter sounds, too. She has the leap frog letter factory DVD, but doesn't like watching it yet. We talk about animal sounds all the time, so I present it like this:
the A says /a/ /a/ /a/! (I then open the flashcard to show her the picture of the aligator and say, 'aligator!' Charlotte repeats after me and LOVES it! She currently can name the 'H' sound and the 'D' sound if I ask.
I really am blown away by how much she is learning.
Just for fun, this is a picture of my husband at a restaurant, after getting whipped cream smashed in his face while wearing a sombrero :). happy birthday to him! I will never admit it's my birthday in that restaurant- ha!
Charlotte got to wear the hat too :)
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