Monday, July 25, 2011

Little hands and feet

When my daughter was in daycare, some of my favorite days were when she came home with a keepsake craft with those precious little hand prints!  They make great gifts for family members as well as adorable little pieces of art to hang on the wall.  I was very inspired by this picture of a tree with multi-color hand prints!


We made our own tree art using a pre-printed tree outline.  Instead of hand prints, we used Charlotte's thumb prints!  I helped guide the thumb print placement for the first picture.  Then, I gave Charlotte her very own tree and let her create her own masterpiece.  They turned out really well!  

 Here are some other ideas for fun handprint and footprint crafts from around the internet that we'll have to try soon:

A wedding thumbprint guestbook, but I love this idea for kids too!  from

Sweet and simple, from

So cute and creative!  from

How adorable is this penguin made from a tiny footprint! We'll do this in the winter.  from



We will definitely be trying this one for Halloween.  from

I could get everyone to try this one!  from

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