Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fun on the Fourth!

One of the things that I really wanted to start doing this year is make sure that we do fun activities to celebrate holidays together as a family.  For the Fourth of July, Charlotte created really cool sand art.  The set-up was really easy and it was a lot of fun!  I got two salt and pepper shakers at the grocery store and placed masking tape over most of the holes.  Then I filled them with two different colors of sand!  We used spray adhesive as a way to keep the sand on the paper.  After Charlotte created her artwork, I cut some of the paper and mounted it onto a piece of construction paper.

She loved the texture of the sand


Another activity that we did together was create watermelon star pops.  First, I cut up a watermelon into large enough slices to fit the star-shaped cookie cutter.  Then, I gave Charlotte the slices one by one and let her cut out the stars!  After that, I put popsicle sticks at one end of each star and put them into the freezer.  They tasted good, but Charlotte prefers regular watermelon. :)

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