Friday, July 29, 2011

Footprints and cheerios

I had alot more planned for today than actually got accomplished, but I'm okay with that.  I'd rather have more things to do in mind than nothing at all!  It's hard when you're about 7 months pregnant and beginning to feel tired allll the time.  Anyway, this is what we did have time to do:

I printed out this fun counting activity, but we used cheerios instead of the poms (I didn't have any).  Next time I think i'll go out and get the poms though, because Charlotte kept eating the cheerios before we could finish counting!  Ah, the attention span of a 20 month old :).  But, she did have some pretty good success counting, especially on the numbers 1-5 page!

After that, we did some art activities- pulling from the footprint ideas from a previous post!  This is how ours turned out:

I think i'm going to add little white eyes to make them not look as scary :)  and maybe some legs for the ladybug!

Charlotte also did a painting using q-tips - I think this turned out really well! 

We are going to use this as part of an upcoming activity!  (pictured below).  You place pieces of a child's artwork behind a cut-out word!  I think it will be great as part of my husband's birthday present from Charlotte.  I think we'll do a separate piece of art for each letter.


Other than that, we mostly just played and read all day!

We practiced counting in this book as well :)

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