Monday, April 30, 2012

Charlotte has been practicing some pre-writing skills!

Drawing lines

The pages are in plastic sleeves, so they can be used over and over again!

She erases it herself! 

And, since we are from Florida, we very much enjoyed our first snow in Kentucky!

Jon gathering snow from the car

Look!!! Snow!!! :)
 Other fun:

Sitting on bushes--why not? :)

Mixing colors!  Put shaving cream in a sandwich bag, add food coloring, and let your little one mix in the color!  We added yellow first

And then we added some red-- to make orange!  She loved this activity!

Weston has been busy too- learning to hold his head up nice and tall!

Playing with Do-A-Dot markers-- great fine motor practice!

Practicing how to make big bug eyes!  A very important skill :)
 We finally were able to enjoy one snow this season that was big enough for some sledding!

Charlotte had fun sledding down the hill behind our house!

In fact, she still asks to go sledding!! (It's the end of April now..I don't think that will happen for a little while :) )

Daddy pulling her up the hill

One more time?!

Jon's turn!
Me too!
 Even Weston got to join in on the snow festivities:

Lighting of the Christmas tree in downtown Wilmore

Again, Weston didn't seem too interested in what was going on :)

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Tree Shopping- 2011!

Searching for the perfect one!

Weston didn't have many opinions on which tree to choose :)

We found it! 

Time to bring it home so we can decorate!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and our family!  Next year we will try picking out a tree on a farm and cutting it down ourselves!

We have been up to a few fun things!  Play dough fun using cookie cutters :) 

And Weston has been busy too!

More fun:

Shape Sorting

Practicing our new scooter!

The tricycle is always fun :)

She is very interested in studying this stick!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Charlotte

Back in November 2011, we celebrated our daughter's 2nd birthday!  I can hardly believe she is 2.  (and now 2 and a half!)  We celebrated by taking her to the Cincinnati Zoo and having a small party at home with a few friends!  Here are some photos of our fun birthday celebration!  

And now the party!
